Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Two days to go...

In a mere 1.5 days I will be on my way to Detroit, then through Newark and onward to Amsterdam to kick off a 50-day tour of eastern Europe. I know what you're thinking- those first two places are just so damn incredible, why not stay there? Well, call me crazy, but I've heard some good things about Amsterdam too, so the Motor City and the Garden State (of all the nicknames available, why...) will just have to sit on the backburner until further notice.

So, is Jason prepared for this seven-week international extravaganza? Let me put it this way- I haven't even unloaded my car yet, let alone done any packing. I am 2% of the way through my first mp3 Czech lesson. I have not purchased a rail pass. That's where I'm at right now, but I'm sure everything will work itself out. Well, it has to, since I'm leaving in (gulp) two days.

On a more optimistic note, I have purchased travel insurance, constructed a decent tentative itinerary, and booked three nights at this promising hostel in Am-dam:

On that note, now would be a great time to go home and actually unload my car. Future posts will be much, much more exciting, I promise. It's just difficult to start a blog about a place you haven't seen yet.

Stay tuned...

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